Things not going according to plan?
There are no such things as problems, only opportunities. But it takes good counsel to make great decisions. To turn problems into opportunities.
So where to turn for counsel and guidance? A spouse? A friend? Certainly. But surrendered believers know to turn to God first and early. When we pray about situations that concern us, we open them up to His providence. He will guide those who pray and don’t lose heart. Persistent prayer in the face of initial disappointment can become an instrument of divine nurture. We grow to trust God more by seeing that He often prepares something better than we would ever dare to ask, hope, or dream for. And by recogniziation that God’s greatest gifts may come through prayers that seem to be unanswered.
So here goes.
Father, I give You all praise, honor, and glory for the Kingdom You have created. And for Your mercy in sending Your only Son Jesus on a rescue mission for us. I surrender my life to Your plan and purpose. And thus to your guidance and providence. You know my situation and my need. I begin with You, asking for You to be involved in this with me. Give me Your wisdom. Help me choose the right path. Show me Your purposes. Reveal to me any error on my part. If You want me to get help from others, please show me who to talk to. I ask all of this in the name of Your Son and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Prey fervently. Persistently. And remember good communication includes listening. So be in God’s Word. Be attentive to promptings. You can be confident that God is listening. And unfolding His plan for your life.
#prayer #identifiedwithChrist