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To Know God And To Make Him Known (Note 1)

Go back and read the title of today’s post again.

Take a moment to ponder the magnitude and beauty of that thought. This is the believer’s Amen.

And yet, in its simplicity, that is our purpose. Living a life identified with Christ starts here. Starts with knowing God. And then letting that relationship shine as an example to the world around us. This, then, is our highest striving.

Knowing God starts with studying the Bible, His love letter to us. And with the two way communication of prayer. So, on this first day of the rest of your life, let’s get started.

Here, adapted from Soren Kierkegaard’s (1813 – 1855) ‘Purity Of Heart Is To Will One Thing,’ is our prayer for today:

To Will One Thing

Father in Heaven, what are we without you?
What is all that we know, vast accumulation though it be,
But a chipped fragment if we do not know you?
What is all our striving?
Could it ever encompass a world,
But a half-finished work
If we do not know you?
You, the One who is one thing and who is all.

So may you give
To the intellect, wisdom to comprehend that one thing
To the heart, sincerity to receive this and this only
To the will, purity that wills only one thing
In prosperity, may you grant perseverance to will one thing
Amid distraction, collectedness to will one thing
In suffering, patience to will one thing.

You that gives both the beginning and the completion
May you early, at the dawn of the day,
Give to the young the resolution to will one thing
As the day wanes, may you give to the old
A renewed remembrance of that first resolution
That the first may be like the last
And the last like the first
In possession of a life that has willed only one thing,
To know God.


#identifiedwithChrist #prayer

Note 1. Also ‘to know Christ and to make Him known.’

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