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On Love /2

An affirming paraphrase of 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, and the template for an Awesome marriage:

  1. Love is patient.
  2. Love is kind.
  3. Love is secure and contented, not envious or jealous.
  4. Love is humble and not proud or conceited.
  5. Love is courteous and not rude.
  6. Love is generous and not selfish or demanding of its own way.
  7. Love is peacemaking and not being provoked or irritable.
  8. Love is forgiving and keeps no record of wrongs.
  9. Love is righteous and takes no joy from injustice.
  10. Love rejoices in the truth.
  11. Love perseveres in all things.
  12. Love is ever-faithful and believes all things.
  13. Love is always hopeful.
  14. Love endures through all circumstances.

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